Günther author

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5 Articles

Author's articles

  • Bacterial prostatitis differs from other forms in that it develops as a result of exposure to microorganisms (bacteria). Bacterial prostatitis can be acute or chronic. About the causes, symptoms and treatment of the disease in the article.
    24 April 2022
  • Diagnosis and treatment of various forms of chronic prostatitis. The main symptoms of the disease, the causes of the disease and drug ways to combat prostatitis.
    28 March 2022
  • Prostatitis is a disease that manifests itself in men. Why does prostatitis occur? What are the types of prostatitis? And how is it treated? All information about prostatitis is in our article.
    27 May 2021
  • Prevention of prostatitis is the main preventive measure for men at home.
    15 April 2021
  • Here, in the article, many aspects of prostatitis therapy are disclosed, how effective the use of various methods is. Questions have also been raised about the new methods used by the medical profession.
    28 March 2021